Use of our small sauna area (Finnish sauna, steam bath and infrared cabin)
Rich breakfast buffet
Salad buffet in the evening
small library
Table tennis and football table
Free Wi-Fi access (As the internet connection runs via satellite, we have a lower bandwidth than with fibre optic or DSL internet)
SüdtirolsSüdenCard – NEW 2025: Card with various benefits in the area (among others free entry to Geoparc Bletterbach) offers unlimited use of all public transport throughout South Tyrol. More informationen here.
Holidays at 2000 m in the middle of nature
Depot for bicycles
Routes of various difficulty levels starting from the hotel
Football, basketball and volleyball court directly at the hotel
One guided hike per week (Tourist Office Aldein & Radein & Jochgrimm)
Ski depot
From the ski depot directly to the slopes
Located in the center of the ski resort Jochgrimm-Passo Oclini
Ski school and ski rental directly at the hotel
4 times daily ski bus to the cross-country center Lavazè