


Owner and publisher:
Jochgrimm GmbH
Familie Foppa
I-39040 Aldein
VAT.: 00166860213

Legal, tax, and administrative domicile: Kari Kg, Dolomitenstraße 26, 39040 Montan

Familie Foppa
Telefon: +39 0471 887 180

Chief editor and responsible for the content according to press law:
Hotel Schwarzhorn

All images on the website are protected by copyright and may not be forwarded or otherwise used.
Photographers: Hotel Schwarzhorn, Effekt GmbH, Marion Lafogler, Peter Daldos

Effekt! GmbH
Via Val di Fiemme 4 39044 Egna
Telefon: +39 0471 813 482
ax: +39 0471 821 955


All information provided by, is protected by copyright in its entirety unless otherwise specified. Any further utilization or processing is not allowed, and permitted only after the prior written consent of Hotel Schwarzhorn

Our offer sometimes also included hyperlinks to external websites of external third parties, for the contents of which Hotel Schwarzhorn, accepts no responsibility and for which it cannot be made liable. Rather, the corresponding external third parties are responsible for the hyperlinked websites. At the time of the posting of these hyperlinks, no legal violations were apparent. In the event any such violations are revealed, Hotel Schwarzhorn, will immediately undertake to delete the relevant hyperlinks.

This declaration is in accordance with Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003 (“Data Protection Code”) and is addressed to all persons who use the websites of the Hotel Schwarzhorn, accessible under the URL

Furthermore, this declaration is in accordance with Recommendation No. 2/2001 of 17 May 2001 of the workgroup of the representatives of the European data protection agencies established pursuant to Directive No. 95/46/EEC.

This declaration pertains solely to the aforementioned sites and not for any other sites which the user might possibly access via hyperlinks in the aforementioned sites.

Hotel Schwarzhorn, as the operator of the aforementioned site, guarantees in the context of statutory regulations that all personal data will be processed in accordance with all applicable rights concerning personal dignity and privacy – in particular with respect to confidentiality, personal identity, and one’s right to the protection of one’s personal data.

  1. The legal “holder” of the data processing
    Hotel Schwarzhorn
    I-39040 Aldein
  1. Place of the data processing
    Hotel Schwarzhorn
    I-39040 Aldein
  1. Type of personal data collected
    3.1. Navigation dataWhenever this website is accessed, the server of the data processing systems and software employed in operating this website automatically captures certain personal data (e.g., IP address, domain names of the service-provider, date and clock-time of the access, duration, information on the given operating system, etc.)
    By its nature, this data can, in conjunction with data stored by third parties, be used to identify the user.
    This data is not collected for the purpose of identifying individuals. However, the right to the statistical evaluation of data which has been made anonymous is reserved.
    Furthermore, please note that the collected data can be used in the framework of statutory regulations for the purpose of prosecuting criminal activities.
    In the website of Hotel Schwarzhorn, so-called cookies are used. They assist in determining user-specific preferences and to enable special user functions.
    The “owner” of the data processing declares that the personal data – in whatever form – voluntarily provided by the user will be collected and processed exclusively in order to provide the offered services, to fulfill any and all contractual obligations towards the user, and/or to fulfill statutory requirements. This personal data will not be disseminated, nor will it be provided to third parties unless this is necessary in order to fulfill the goal and purpose of the website of Hotel Schwarzhorn, and/or to provide the offered services and to perform interactive actions.
  1. Goal and purpose of the data processing
    The goal and purpose of the data processing are as follows:
    – For the fulfillment of legal obligations and duties ensuing from ordinances, E.U. directives, as well as civil and tax laws;
    – For the fulfillment of potential contractual obligations towards the person concerned;
    – For the capture of statistics on the site visitors who volunteer such information;
    In order to fulfill the goal and purpose of the website of Hotel Schwarzhorn, and/or to provide the offered services, the personal data and voluntarily provided data of the user can be communicated or made accessible to the following parties:
    – Hotel Schwarzhorn, as well as external service-providers charged with establishing and maintaining the websites of Hotel Schwarzhorn;
    Personal data can also be forwarded, as necessary:
    – to the public administration and authorities, when there are legal provisions for this;
    – to all those natural and/or juridical, public entities and/or private persons (legal, administrative, and tax offices, courts, chambers of commerce, etc.), if the forwarding of the data proves useful or expedient to the practice of our operations, as well as in the above manner, in accordance with the corresponding purposes;
  1. Modalities of data processing
    The data processing can be carried out with or without the aid of electronic and, in any case, of automatic equipment and includes all processes provided for in Article 4, Paragraph 1a of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003 and which are necessary for the given data processing procedures. In any case, the data processing will be carried out in compliance with all security measures necessary to ensure their security and confidentiality.
  1. Rights of the affected party
    n accordance with Article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003, the affected person has the right to demand information about whether data pertaining to them has been collected – even if this data has not yet been stored; further, the affected person has the right to demand that this information be transmitted in intelligible form.The affected person has the right to information about
    a) the origin of the personal data;
    b) the purpose and modalities of the processing;
    c) if the data is processed electronically: the system employed;
    d) the most-important data to identify the legal owner, the responsible party, and the designated representative;
    e) the persons or categories of persons to whom the personal data can be transmitted or the designated representatives for the national territory, officers, or appointees who could obtain knowledge of this data.Furthermore, the affected person also has the right:
    a) to demand that the data be updated, corrected, or – if desired – supplemented;
    b) in the case of data processing violating applicable statutory regulations, to demand that it be deleted, converted into anonymous data, or blocked; this applies also to data the storage of which is not needed for the purpose for which it was collected and later processed;
    c) to receive a confirmation that the procedures listed in letters a) and b) – including their content – have been transmitted to those parties to whom the data has been transmitted or disseminated, unless this proves impossible or the effort required to do so would be unreasonably great in relation to the protected right.Finally, the affected person also has the right, entirely or partially,
    a) to resist, for legitimate reasons, the processing of their personal data – even if this data complies with the purpose of their collection;
    b) to resist the dissemination of their personal data if its processing is for the purpose of sending advertising material, promoting direct sales, or for marketing or market research purposes.These rights can be exercised by the affected party, himself, or by a person acting on his behalf, by directing inquiries to and lodging claims with the legal owner or responsible party.